Welcome Spring! What do you want to renew or change in your life?

If I had my life to live over, I would start barefoot earlier in the spring and stay that way later in the fall. ~Nadine Stair

Today is the first day of spring which is known as the Spring Equinox. The Spring Equinox brings us a balance of day and night because the Sun is sitting on the Earth’s equator. Translated literally, equinox means “equal night.” Because the Sun is positioned above the equator, day and night are about equal in length all over the world during the equinoxes.  The Spring Equinox is celebrated in many traditions as a time of fertility, regeneration and rebirth. For thousands of years our ancestors have celebrated Spring Equinox, as a time of fertility, rebirth of life and energy. It is the balance of light and dark …

This is a day to reflect on what you want to renew or change in your life. It’s a time to celebrate the end of the long, cold winter and rejoice in the blooms of springtime. It’s even more important if you are struggling with illness or the aftermath of illness to turn your face toward the light and remember that no matter how dark it gets, the light returns.  Your glance may fall on a patch of sunlight on the petal of a flower or the light in the eyes of someone you love. Take some time today to find luminosity wherever you are, whatever you are doing.

What do you want to change? What would you like to renew?  What do you want to let go or and release?

Feel free to leave a comment about your intentions for change.  Happy Spring!

One Response to “Welcome Spring! What do you want to renew or change in your life?”

  1. Louise Says:

    I would wait a few years to start having babies. This way, I could change the outcome of my sweet Justin’s life. He wouldn’t have had cancer and been able to grow up. I wouldn’t have had cancer and would have been able to breastfeed my sweet JaimeLynne until she was a year old. I would have had met my now husband, Jim Hall, first and had all of my children with him. I would have said yes to the the job offer of Astroengineer. I would then have us all living Arizona. From there on, our lives would change accordingly. That’s what I would change. As for changing the world, I’d change the government and war situations. No more wars. And then have everyone being at peace with running their own life and then there’d be no need for governments. Get rid of the monetary system and everyone who towards bettering themselves as well as eachother and the world. No more poverty, disease, war, neglect of any type, no more abuse of any kind, and clean up the planet. Everyone would be vegan. No more need for breeding animals for food. We’d have a renewable energy source for everyone to share. I could go on, but then I’d run out of room on here. But you get the idea. So that’s a brief summary of what I would change.