Sharing a Song Together

“He who sings scares away his woes.” – Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Each day my dog and I take a stroll past a small home in our neighborhood.  On the porch of this place is a cage where two small cockatiels make their own little home. Covered by a maroon blanket faded and worn by the sun and years of use, they sit on their perch together. One of them, I know now it’s the male whose name happens to be Pepe, is particularly vocal and filled with lilting song.  I began stopping to speak to him, to sing with him.  In a short period of time we had established a simple, one line musical pattern that has become our call to one another.

As I approach him I begin our call.  Sometimes he sees me coming and begins the call before me.  When I forget the exact tempo or muff a note, he reminds me immediately of the correct tune.  Some days he runs up and down his perch, turning his head, bowing to me in excitement. At other times he is more quiet, sleeping or maybe just not feeling like talking that day.  That’s ok, we all feel like that from time to time.  Regardless of his mood, I look forward to seeing him each day.

Having a common language, singing a special song to one another is a reminder of a language not of words but of a common sound, our shared experience.  For those of us who have taken a walk down the cancer road there is also a common song.  Each tune is unique to who we are, it is our own song.  However, there are familiar notes we share and singing with each other, to each other and for each other brings us together in a place beyond culture, class, race or gender.  Singing out to one another when we are in pain or when we are sad or when we find happiness and joy connects and supports us as we trek along through cancer and beyond.

Wishing you melody today …